For many people, Independence day celebrations make this an entertaining and exciting time of the season, but your dog probably won’t agree. When you celebrate our independence this holiday make sure to keep the following pet-friendly tips in mind:
1. Noisy, crowded fireworks shows can be scary for your dog, avoid the need to take them with you to view the fireworks. Instead, keep your dog safe from the noise in a quiet, protected, and escape-proof location at home.
2. Keep your pets indoors in the home in a sheltered, quiet area. Some dogs become destructive when scared, removed any items you do not want your dog to destroy as well as anything that could harm your dog.
3. Leave a tv set or stereo playing at normal volume while you are out of the house to help block out the noises of the fireworks.
4. If you know that your family pet is fearful of loud noises, you might want to use Rescue Remedy or even try a Thundershirt (big personal fan here!) on July 4th in an effort to help relieve the fear and anxiety.
5. Never leave your canine outside unattended, even in a fenced in yard or on a chain. In their fear, pets who normally wouldn’t leave the property may possibly escape and become lost, or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.
6. Keep an id tag/microchip on your dog just in case he/she happens to escape and get lost. The tag/microchip will increase the probability of Spot being returned to you safely and securely.
7. Don’t apply sunscreen or insect repellent not specifically intended for your dog. Ingesting sunscreen can cause drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Bug Repellant can contain DEEP, which could cause neurological issues.
8. Keep Matches, lighter fluid, and fireworks away from your dog. Matches may contain chlorates, which can damage blood cells which results in difficulty breathing, kidney disease, gastrointestinal discomfort, and nervous system depression. If it is inhaled can cause aspiration pneumonia, which might develop into difficulty in breathing.
9. Never use fireworks around your dog. Exposure to lit fireworks even sparklers can potentially cause burns or stress to Tiger. Fireworks that haven’t been lit can contain dangerous chemical substances such as potassium nitrate, arsenic, and heavy metals.
10. If you are planning a picnic keep drinks and food away from your dog. Various types of human food can be harmful to your pets.
For lots of people, nothing can beat relaxing outdoors on the Independence day surrounded by friends and family (including the four-legged members of the household). While it might appear to be a good idea to reward Rover with leftovers from the bbq grill and bring him along to watch fireworks, the truth is, some festive foods and products can be potentially hazardous for your pets.
Have a wonderful holiday and please keep your pets safe!
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