Miniature Therapy Horse Comforts Patients at Sutter Hospitals
This article was recently written in the Sacramento Bee, by Katrina Cameron. Hope is one of our favorite customers. She wears a variety of boots to help with slipping on hospital floors and to also [...]
Miniature Service Horse Wears Dog Boots!
Hope is a miniature service horse. We are sharing "Hope," a 29" tall Miniature horse with people who need a little hope. She has comforted elderly, and bedridden folks, and blessed the hearts of many [...]
2 Steps To Putting Boots On A Dog – Hilarious!!
There are a few very important things to know about putting boots on your dog for the first time. Keep in mind that your dog may have no idea what you are trying to do [...]
Look What Happens When I Try to Train My Dogs To Play Dead!
It's ridiculous. I don't even know what else to say. I trained my dog Cooper to smile on command. I'll upload that video in the near future. The problem now is - all he does [...]
OMD! These Shoes Are So Cute!
Of course you have them. You know, those cute little outfits for your dog that you just can’t pass up. They look absolutely fabulous on your dog, but every time you put on one of [...]
Honoring US War Dogs On Memorial Day
Memorial Day is right around the corner. It is a time that we can remember and pay tribute to all of those men and women who have died fighting for our country. As we remember [...]