

Seasonal Allergies – Dogs Get Them Too!

Our dogs are susceptible to the same kinds of allergies we humans are, and they suffer just as much. Seasonal allergies can broadside a dog that has been clean and clear-eyed for months. Suddenly she seems to be constantly scratching, biting her fur, chewing on her feet and scrubbing her eyes and face against the [...]

By |2023-01-13T06:56:27-05:00|Photo Gallery|1 Comment

Spring In the Life of A Dog

Ah, spring! It's time for my human to put away my winter dog boots. They are perfect for keeping the annoying little snowballs from building up between my toes and stopping the ice from scratching my pads. But now it’s time for the lighter weight dog boots and shoes to come out. It’s a dog’s [...]

Cooper Wears Summer Dog Booties

Cooper, our resident shoe guru is testing the Summer Kixx by Barko Booties. He doesn't seem to be having any trouble running through the house!  Summer Kixx are the ideal summer dog shoe for any size dog.  These faux leather and mesh sneakers are easy on/off and stay on with a zipper, velcro closure and [...]

By |2023-01-13T06:56:29-05:00|Funny, Products, Videos|0 Comments

Pawz Dog Boots – Warm Pavement & Burr Protection

Pawz dog boots are so easy to wear during springtime to protect paws from warm pavement and those irritating burrs that get stuck on your dog's fur. No zippers, strings, velcro. Simply slip them on and go. Rubber dog boots are not to be worn for long periods of time in extreme heat. Here are [...]

By |2023-01-13T06:56:29-05:00|Products, Videos|0 Comments
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