It is that time of year again – Easter! What a joyous time for all! But, there are tons of things going on that you should be aware of if you want your dog to stay happy and healthy through the holiday.
As the holiday festivities approach, it is up to you to be on the lookout for the small stuff, unsafe foods for your dog, and signs that your dog might need a break. Keeping these things in mind will ensure that you don’t have to make any unplanned trips to the vet.
Watch the Small Stuff

Keep Your Dog Safe During Easter
Dogs are very curious about their environments. Just like infants, they like to smell, touch, and taste everything around them. There are tons of fun things at Easter that you probably haven’t considered as being hazardous to your dog’s health.
Just think about the beautiful Easter baskets that you are giving to your children. The grass in these baskets alone is enough to make any dog giddy. But this grass can also make them very sick if they should happen to eat it. It is usually made from shredded plastic and last time I checked plastic does not break down in the digestive system.
In addition to the Easter grass, those baskets are always filled will all kinds of fun toys and small trinkets. Keeping these small pieces out of your dog’s reach is very important because you don’t want them swallowing any of these things either.
Watch the Food
Easter is time for family, big dinners, and chocolate! There are tons of foods that you should not feed your dog. You can do an online food and be overwhelmed with lists of foods that are dangerous for our furry companions, but I recommend discussing food no-no’s with your vet.
Be sure to keep foods that your dog should not eat out of their reach at all times. To help your dog get over the disappointment of not being able to indulge in all of the wonderful Easter goodies, provide her with a few special treats of her own to celebrate the holiday.
Watch for Signs of Fatigue
Holidays mean lots of people and excitement for both you and your dog. Be on the lookout for signs that your dog is getting tired of all of the hoopla and make sure that you provide time and space for your dog to get away from it all and rest.
Keeping our dogs happy and healthy through holidays is our responsibility as their owners. By taking a few precautionary steps you can guarantee that both you and your dog will have a very happy Easter!
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